As I Lay Dying hír!
HALASZTÁS mellett döntött a zenekar!
Tisztelt érdeklődők: elmarad az AS I LAY DYING idén tavaszi turnéja az ismert okok miatt. A turné pótlása idén novemberben lesz, már folynak a tárgyalások a részletekről. Kérjük őrizzék meg a jegyeiket, melyek érvényesek lesznek az őszi koncertre, illetve a pontos dátum meghirdetésétől lehetőség nyílik a visszaváltásra is.
Köszönve a megértést: CONCERTO Music
A zenekar közleménye:
“Due to the ongoing covid situation, which is still affecting many events and international touring in Europe, we’re saddened to say that we see no option at this point but to completely cancel our 20th anniversary tour in March-April with Dying Fetus and Emmure.
We had been very much looking forward to the tour and had hoped we could make it happen, but we must wait for touring conditions to improve before traveling internationally. We are very sorry for any inconvenience, please contact your point of purchase for a full refund on tickets.On a brighter note, we are looking to reschedule shows in a lot of the same cities in November/December, including new dates in some additional cities. We are currently confirming the supports for those shows and will be announcing our new tour dates very soon, so make sure to keep an eye out!”